Pixels colorful background

DnD Beyond with Pixels

Imagine combining the tactile thrill of rolling real dice with the digital convenience of D&D Beyond. Thanks to one of our dedicated community members, Carrierfry, you can now seamlessly integrate your Pixels dice with your D&D Beyond character sheets. This innovative extension bridges the gap between traditional and digital gameplay, bringing a new level of interactivity to your sessions.

Getting Started:

To begin using your Pixels dice with D&D Beyond, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the Extension:
  2. Watch the Tutorial:

Alt Text: “Tutorial video on using Pixels Dice with D&D Beyond with Carrierfry

Step by Step Guide:

  1. Disconnect from the Pixels App:
    • Ensure your dice are disconnected from the Pixels app by closing the app completely.
  2. Open D&D Beyond:
  3. Connect Your Dice:
    • On the top right of your screen, you’ll see the “Connect to Pixels” option. Click on it (Important: Do not pair your dice via your OS Bluetooth settings!).
    • Pair one die at a time. It should light up blue during pairing and turn green once connected.
    • Repeat the process for each die you want to connect.
  4. Roll Your Dice:
    • Option A: Roll one of your dice directly, and watch as it generates a custom roll.
    • Option B: Right-click on a check, save, to-hit, or damage roll in D&D Beyond and select “Roll with Pixels.” The corresponding die will light up—then roll it!
    • Option C: Enable “Pixel Mode” (this mode is enabled by default). Left-click on any roll in D&D Beyond, and the corresponding die will light up—then roll it!

Tips: Auto-Pairing When you enable this chrome flag, your dice will automatically pair with DnD Beyond once you open a character sheet after you have paired them before: chrome://flags/#enable-web-bluetooth-new-permissions-backend


Q: Why don’t I see my dice when I click on “Connect to Pixels”?

A: Ensure Bluetooth is enabled and the dice are in range. If your motherboard has Bluetooth, check if it has antennas connected—these are used for both WIFI and Bluetooth. Also, make sure your dice are not connected to the Pixels App or any other integrations, as they can only maintain one connection at a time.

Q: I can’t connect to the die at all even though it’s visible in the device list. What can I do?

A: Disable Bluetooth on your OS for a few seconds, then re-enable it.

Q: I get a popup that my browser isn’t supported. What can I do?

A: If you’re using a supported browser, ensure a Bluetooth receiver is connected (like a Bluetooth dongle). The extension requires a connected device that can send and receive Bluetooth signals. If you’re using an unsupported browser, switch to one that is supported.

Q: I use Beyond20 but my rolls don’t get sent over to Roll20. What can I do?

A: Go to Beyond20’s settings and enable “Use D&D Beyond’s Digital Dice.

We owe a huge thanks to Carrierfry for this incredible extension, which truly enhances the Pixels experience. If you see Carrierfry on our Discord, be sure to express your gratitude!

Social Media: https://www.reddit.com/user/007checker/ and https://x.com/carrierfry

GitHub Repo Link: https://github.com/carrierfry/pixels-dndbeyond-userscript